George Clay's Loft


NOTE: This was the first site I put together in 1996!! Content and design are way out of date...have not had time re-do this. But enjoy a journey two decades back on the Web!

Welcome to my corner of the World Wide Web! I am putting a little of everything here that is either interesting or important to me. I hope that you find something in here that will catch your interest.

In this picture I am where I am most happy and most at home - in beloved forests, near water.



Greetings and Salutations!              (86k)


  Family & Friends Recipes  
  Things that I've Written Chili Cultivation  
  Other Hobbies & Projects Stained Glass Design  
  My Company - Guidesign, LLC The Olympic Rain Forest  
  Woodworking & Furniture Design Things I've Learned or Discovered  


If you agree or disagree with, like or dislike anything you have seen or heard, I'd be happy to hear from you. Please send me an EMail from my corporate website. Yes, this means you, whether you know me or not!!

    This website is always under construction!

Imagine what your future self will have wished you had done in the past, then do that now!

Copyright © 1998 by George Clay
All Rights Reserved